Telegram Open Network (TON), conceived by Pavel Durov along with his brother Nikolai, a candidate of physical and mathematical sciences and a brilliant programmer. It was Nikolai who developed the first version of the Telegram messenger for communication with Pavel, and later, the MTProto encryption protocol used by Telegram.
Nikolai Durov outlined his vision for the TON blockchain in a white paper in 2019. The main goal of TON, as envisioned by the brothers, was to monetize Telegram. However, the platform failed to launch, and the Durovs abandoned the idea, making the blockchain platform's code open to all interested parties.
From that point on, independent developers from around the world began to develop the product. Later, they formed the TON Foundation community, which today supports technology and projects within the TON ecosystem.
TON is a crypto ecosystem developed by an independent community based on technology originally developed by Telegram.
TON has its own currency called Toncoin.
We provided more detailed information about TON in this material.